Sunday, September 25, 2011

Why can't people read? A ton of my Facebook friends are posting that rumor about how Facebook is going to start charging. It says on Facebook's login screen that it will always be free. That's what wrong with the world. People apparently can't read.

I started reading one of Ursula K Le Guin's books today. It's very interesting and I'll probably spend a lot of time at school tomorrow reading it. I have geometry and it's kind of a little boring to me. At the beginning of the year it was highly interesting; we were talking about different dimensions and Euclid.

I just found a bucket list I made last year. The first thing on it is to learn Romanian. I'd forgotten about that. There was a time in my life when I used to be obsessed with Romania. I think it was when I was in the fifth grade. Learning Romanian would be really fun. I go through all types of stages where I learn about different places. There's been Romania, Australia, Denmark, China, Italy, Peru, Scotland, Japan, India, and probably the most recent, Lesotho. This past summer I memorized all the countries of the globe. Well, at least most of them.

Europe and Asia were pretty easy. Africa was a little difficult; I still haven't managed to memorize South America. That's a shame. That probably should have been the first continent to memorize.

As for life, I have decided that I'm going to spend it doing what makes me happy: writing. I might never write a best selling novel, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that my life is actually fun at some point. My current plan for college is to major in philosophy and writing. Perhaps I'll get a minor in Latin because I love Latin. I took it when I was at the REACH (Reaching Exceptionally Able Children) Gifted and Talented program. I haven't exactly, ruled out medical school, either.

So far there are four careers that I would be satisfied with: writer, neurologist, psychiatrist, and a philosophy professor. My nephew is my inspiration to become a neurologist because he passed away from a disease called Arnold Chiari Malformation. I would like to become a psychiatrist just because it seems interesting and you can help people. I've always wanted to visit a psychiatrist and just talk to them for hours.

If I ever get to a point in life when I have a good amount of money, I plan to spend it starting this school I've already started planning out. Any left over money would go to charities such as Arnold Chiari, Spina Bifada, Alzheimer's and the epilepsy foundation.

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