Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I am ashamed of the US tonight. Well, I have been for a while. There are many reasons for this. The first and most important is the fact that two innocent people may be killed tonight because of our perfect government. The second reason is American stupidity.

I was sitting in the car one afternoon while my Mother was inside McDonalds (how American of us). The radio was on and it was George Washington's birthday. This man on the radio says, "Let us wish a Happy Birthday to the first president of the United States, George Bush!" Why do we have so much pride in the US if some of us don't even know the history?

Another time in class:

American 1: Asians are cool!
American 2 to Asian 1: Hey, Asian 1, you're Asian!
American 3 to Asian 1: I thought you were Chinese?

Not to mention what happened today.

I enjoy books. I generally enjoy being around them; seeing a great book collection makes me extremely happy. Most of the time I go to my school library in the mornings when I get to school, and at lunch. I prefer to be around small amounts of people, so I dislike being in the commons areas with the entire school population. The librarian said I'd been "going to the library too much."

Excuse me? How exactly, Oh Genius Library Person, can you visit a library too much? Maybe if you actually thought about it, it's a good thing I go to the library. One day, I might be a bestselling novelist, and then I can tell everyone how you banned me from the library. Brilliant.

In other news, I was studying and my Grandmother was watching television when this commercial came on. "Find out later tonight what the nerdiest country is that no one wants to visit!" I would love to visit that country.

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