Thursday, September 22, 2011

I am disgusted with human intelligence. To make myself feel better about this situation, I thought I would talk about some of my most influential geniuses in history.

Albert Einstein: This one is sort of obvious why. Albert Einstein influences me personally because of his determination to solve problems. He didn't care what anyone else thought; he did what he had to do to solve his problems. He occasionally even got things wrong and laughed about it. He wasn't good at everything either, just science, mainly physics. He was better than average at math but he didn't really care about it until he got older. People laughed at him all the time, but it never stopped his thinking process.

Carl Sagan: I will start this paragraph off with a quote by Carl Sagan. "But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown." The quote just about sums everything up I was saying about Einstein. Carl Sagan is a genius because of his witty quotes, his phenomenal books, his quest for knowledge. He also wrote one of my favorite books, titled Contact.

Harper Lee: She wrote one of my favorite books that not many people can understand, although it is on a perfectly understandable level. The fact that she could write that great of a book automatically clasifies her as a genius, most authors can only dream of writing a book that is so meaningful.

JK Rowling: She is another one of my favorite authors. I believe that she was also the very first author to become a billionaire. Although, I don't believe that happiness can be achieved through money, I think that it's incredible for her to do that. Harry Potter is written in an amazing use of writing. It will continue to be around for ages, and will always be a part of my childhood.

Steven Moffat: This man is an utter genius. Doctor Who is excellent because of him. Not to say that it wasn't excellent before, I just prefer Steven Moffat's writing to Russel T. Davies. His use of a plot continues to amaze me every single Saturday night. Doctor Who is a brilliant show, and it needs tons of twists to make it that way. Steven Moffat can almost always achieve this.

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