Friday, September 23, 2011

  • Buddhists do not 'follow' Buddha. The Buddha is not a prophet, he was a human, just like you and I are. People always fail to recognize this. In other news, I have started contemplating everything. What is the answer to life and everything in general? Forty-two. When will the world end? When the humans destroy it. Why are we here? To find our own personal pursuit of happiness. What is the worst thing in the world? Human ignorance. How will the world end? This one is a little hard. I think it will end in fire, but by some sort of nuclear power.

  • Everyone else in my class is playing computer games while we have free time to do what we want, in my Digital-In-Tech class. I'm writing a post for this blog. What does that say about the human race? I suppose it has to do with the fact that I just enjoy writing. Yet, computer games will get you no where, except if they are Doctor Who because that is the greatest show in the world. I learn a good deal about history and occasionally science. I would love to be a part of it one day, but I'm American and the only thing I might be able to do was write, but they will always have more brilliant writers than me, i.e. Steven Moffat. The only other computer game I can justify is any Sims game. I play Sims 3, which I can play for hours on end. Hank Green said something along the lines of how he thought it was interesting that people actually want to play a game about people. I agree with everything he said, and I think that Sims games teach you about life.

  • My English teacher gave us one of the best assignments I've ever had; we get to create two characters. A lot of people are complaning about it, but to me, it's a lot of fun, and it's easy for me to create a character. I've actually already finished. The only thing I had trouble with was finding different genres of music, but that's because I don't really like music all that much. I don't like music that much, either. People often can't believe that I haven't seen classical children's movies such as: The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, etc. I counted it up the other day and I believe I have only been to the movies about eight times in my entire life. I read a lot, so I feel that justifies everything.

  • Actually I could be classified as a "technofobe". I don't like to go to the movies and I don't like to talk on the phone or actually use it. I absolutely detest television and I only watch it two hours a week, Saturdays for Doctor Who and occasionally Tuesdays to watch Glee (how American of me). I mainly only watch it because of Darren Criss, who was Harry Potter in A Very Potter Musical. I watch Doctor Who for the obvious reasons that I explained above. I do however get on the internet quite a lot. That disqualifies me from being a technofobe, I believe. I spend a majority of that time on YouTube watching the Vlogbrothers. They in turn make me more intelligent, so I believe that should cancel out the bad effects of YouTube.

  • Now that I come to think of it, I'm classified as weird. Well, I've always known that, but I've been accepting and embracing it along with my nerdiness. Who wants to be 'normal' with the way the members of the 'normal' human race are? I don't. I think it's better to embrace yourself rather than be an idiot and pretend to be normal. That's just ridiculous. I read history books for fun; I watch videos to become more awesome; I like writing so that I can create worlds; yeah, I'm not normal, but I think I'm just unique, so it's alright.

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