Saturday, September 24, 2011

I just finished reading A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and Douglas Adams is another brilliant person to add to my list of geniuses. I still can't fathom why people don't believe in other life forms in the universe. The universe is constantly expanding and chances are, the universe is teeming with other life, we just haven't managed to have the technological advances required for contact. That is why the government should continue to allow funding scientific research.

There's a new Doctor Who episode tonight and I expect it to be extraordinary. The season finale is next Saturday, and then I have to wait until December for the Christmas Special. I'll probably write about the episode after I watch it tonight. Matt Smith, the actor who plays the Doctor is going to be on after Doctor Who being interviewed, so I might write about that as well. I remember this one time when he got interviewed by this person named Candace and it made me feel really cool. I actually think I'm going to go watch Doctor Who right now because it's Doctor Who Saturday!
Today there was this sign that said 'no boxs.' That's just like the time we were at an American football game and the Tennessee Volunteers were playing. There was this drunk guy there and instead of holding a sign that said 'Go Vols,' he had a sign that said 'Vo Gols!'

Pottermore: I am a huge Harry Potter fan. JK Rowling is inspirational to me and in my opinion, she is one of the most fantastic authors on this planet. I've read all the books and seen all the movies except the very last one. I don't like movie theaters. I registered on the sixth day of the early registration process and I'm supposed to get early entry into the beta Pottermore website. The site opens on October first to everyone and I have yet to get my email. I'm a little upset about that, seeing as there is only a week left until October.

On the Florida State/Clemson game, Clemson's head coach just said, "I couldn't be more prouder!" This is what I put up with in the South. It's called grammar, Mr. Coach.

Speaking of grammar, I love it. I was the only person in my class who actually said they liked it. Everyone thought I was being sarcastic. Is it a 'sin' to love grammar? It agitates me when people speak incorrectly. I just want to yell at them. Last year, people even used to call me The Grammar Queen.

I have a poster of President Obama when he was inaugurated in my room. It is the first thing someone sees when they walk into my room. I had a friend over one day and her mother was here. She walked in and said that President Obama shouldn't get paid because of how the unemployment is in the US. I wish people would learn how the government works before they open their mouths. President Obama can't do anything without the help of the United States Senate and the House of Representatives.

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