Thursday, September 22, 2011

I wish someone would invent a knowledge bomb, sort of like the reality bomb from Doctor Who, but not really. When the bomb would go off, it wouldn't kill anyone. The bomb's fumes would be inhaled by everyone and all ignorance would vanish from the world. I'm not sure, but that might actually decrease the number of problems the world has.

Of course it couldn't do anything about the environment, nonrenewable resources, or the innocent people who were wrongfully killed. But (my English teacher says that you can in fact start sentences with a conjunction) it could stop a good bit of judgement in the world. Without people judging other people, I believe the human population would be ninety nine percent better.

Numbers: I don't like when people just put numbers down in anything other than my math class. It makes me feel bad whenever someone writes or text messages actual numerals. An example: Meet me at 2 tomorrow. I would say: Meet me at two tomorrow. It makes me angry when teachers use the numerals as well. Using just the numerals makes it seem as though the person doesn't know how to write the number out. Although, considering where I live, they might not actually know how to write the word.

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