Sunday, September 25, 2011

I have friends that often joke about what it would be like if I were ruler of the world. We would call the planet Kandosa and speak Kandish. The truth is, though, that I don't think just one person can completely change the world. It will take a lot of people who are all doing the right thing.

In November, many members of the writing community are joining together to participate in a worldwide project. It's called NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. You can participate if you are thirteen years of age or older. The goal is to write fifty-thousand words in a month. You cannot write any of your story before 12:01 on November 1. I tried it last year, but I couldn't manage to finish. This year, however, I'm prepared.

At my school there aren't any clubs I'm particularly interested in joining. There isn't even a book club. There's a club called the Live Green Club, but it hasn't been started up yet.

A few friends of my friends and I have gotten together and started a writing club. We have yet to find a sponsor, but hopefully it will be started within a month. We have planned out many of the things we plan to do already. We're going to write a collaborative story, a script for a movie, a script for our favorite television show, and write letters to our most inspirational authors. One person even came up to me and asked me about the club on Friday. Perhaps there are even more people who love to write just as much as we do.

Doctor who was incredible last night. On BBCA next week there's going to be a season six marathon leading up to the finale. I have a theory that the Doctor is still on this place called Demon's Run and it has been his ganger since the ganger appeared. The ganger and the Doctor supposedly swapped shoes. Rule one: the Doctor lies.

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