Friday, September 23, 2011

Holy Saint Francis. I love Shakespeare. How can anyone not love him? He's the best part of literature. Without him, many stories would not exist today. He is the basis of many songs, movies (that I don't watch) and obviously books. I had an English teacher last year who didn't like Shakespeare. That's just, I mean, that's just, that's just blasphemy! I don't understand. Yes, his plays might be a little difficult to understand, but if you just read them with a little bit of common sense you can understand it. If you couldn't then nobody would know what Romeo and Juliet was! For the love of Gallifrey. That is one of the most talked about plays in English!

There's this quote on the wall in my classroom. "In life there are no make-up exams. Choose carefully." That is true. If you wanted to be technical though, you could say that there aren't any make-up exams at all. I mean sure, if you miss your exam, you can make it up, hence the name 'make-up exam,' but truthfully once you miss that very first exam, you've already altered your life. See, THAT is the kind of thing you learn from watching Doctor Who!

Another thing, and I'm going to criticize myself, I hate when people put words in all capitals. It just looks so...strange to my brain that always, well most of the time, thinks grammatically. That's why I hate when people don't spell out numbers. It annoys my brain. If I were ruler of the world, we would only use numerals in mathamatical equations and occasionally in science.

Two subjects I really enjoy talking about: religion and philosopy. My own Grandmother called me crazy because of some of the things I say. It's alright though. I may be crazy, but at least I'm not willingful ignorant.

Quote: "Concientious stupidity and willingful ignorance are the two most dangerous things in the world." Martin Luther King Jr.

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