Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Humanity has nothing to be proud of. We have ruined our planet, we kill people for no reason, and we exclude many people. There are people starving right now, people that fight for their lives (I don't mean soldiers) everyday, and people who continually are left out for no reason.

It's something we all should be ashamed about. All 6.96 billion of us humans are alike in the fact that we were born on this planet. We shouldn't make anyone feel worthless just because of the way they choose to express their self.

Yesterday, in my English class, we got into small groups and discussed characters we had created. Neither one of my characters were perfect, nor were their lives. It was a fantasy/science fiction story and everyone in my group thought it was weird. I changed my story because of it, and I'm left with realistic fiction. Let it be known that everyone in my group likes Harry Potter. There's just a point I'd like to make.

Thirteen years ago, if J.K. Rowling would have told people that she was writing a story about a young wizard who'd lost his parents and finds out about the hidden wizard world, they would have thought she was crazy. Now she's the first author to become a billionaire because of her writing.

There are plenty of other potential authors out in the world who could be just like JK Rowling. There are plenty of authors out in the world, who are bestsellers and have great novels, that my generation has never heard of. I'm quite aggravated at being called weird. Who are these people who are allowed to judge me on whether I'm weird are not? Do they work for God?

I honestly can't understand why anyone would want to be 'normal' in this world made up of mostly self-centered humans. I'm glad I'm not a normal human who doesn't think twice about ruining the environment they live in. Someone once told me I was going to go to Hell because I believed that there is life out in the universe. Obviously, people can believe what they want, but they shouldn't tell me what to believe. That's why it's called a belief.
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