Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Holy mother of Shakespeare's fluffy grandfather. Can't we just all exist peacefully? Please? I walked into my class today to hear nearly the entire class cussing each other out. I personally think it's rude to do that in front of anyone. If you have to cuss someone out, at least do it at a place I won't be.

I've had people who remark to me saying that I'm afraid to cuss. No, I'm not. I have respect for myself and people around me.

The other day, I said that if I were to ever take over the world, I would get rid of nuclear power and guns. There are other sources of getting energy. I learned it in my geography class this year.

Someone said that we needed guns to get food. Ha. I don't get my food from guns. Even when we buy our food from the grocery store they didn't kill the animals with guns. In fact, I'd rather be a vegetarian (I was for six months) than kill my food with a gun.

I understand in some places guns might be needed to get food, but I live in an urbanized area. If I ruled the world, we would not need guns for food. I would take care of that.

As for nuclear power, why can't we use solar? I understand that some places don't exactly get a lot of sun, but they could use wind power. Doesn't anyone remember Chernobyl? Japan six months ago? I guess not.

This week at the school I attend, it's spirit week. Today is Nerd Day. I'm offended. They called it "Steve Urkel Day, AKA Nerd Day." Is that the best nerd they could come up with? He's a fictional character! What about Carl Sagan? He wouldn't have minded, I'm sure. Being called a nerd is a compliment, not an insult.

Nobody knows who Carl Sagan is. I've known about him since I was about six. They make fun of Stephen Hawking, they say Einstein said things he never said, and they don't know who Carl Sagan is. Those are three of the most intelligent people to ever be born on this Earth!

Yesterday, in my PE class, someone said something about the capital of France (Paris). This boy replies "But France is a city!" Can I just crawl away from humanity and live by myself with my cats? I'm so sad about humanity, I'm going to go read a book now.

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