Friday, December 2, 2011

People can be so mean. I just don't understand it at all. What's the point of making someone feel inferior just so you can feel superior? And if you are going to be mean to someone, at least have a legitemate reason to. A while ago these two people who are quite popular, are Christians, and everyone pretty much likes, did something to one of my friends.

Most of my friends are the ones who are different than everyone else. No matter how "weird" someone is, they still need a friend. The two people wrote him a letter from a "secret admirer." To this day, they still make fun of him and laugh about it.

I saw these other people making fun of the way someone walked. The person couldn't see them, but it's not the point. You have no idea what is going on in someone's life. Maybe they have a physical disability.

The thing is, no matter how many anti-bullying laws that are passed, nothing is going to make a difference. People are still going to do things just to be mean. It makes me lose hope in humanity.

If Michele Bachmann gets elected president, I am disowning the United States. I will find a way to move to Canada I don't think I could deal with this country any longer.

I was watching this video of her where she was answering questions from people. This one high school girl asked her was would she do for the LGBT community. Bachmann said that she would not do anything because all Americans should have the same rights. She said that by passing special laws for the LGBT community, she would be giving them special rights.

I can think of a lot of things in the US that do not distribute equal rights. For one, the fact that it is easier to go to college for an atheletic activity than it is for someone who is quite smart with a high IQ. That's not fair. There also aren't equal rights for religion, even though the first admendment says so.

If a Muslim woman and a Christian woman walked into a store where I live, the Christian woman would be treated like royality in comparison to the Muslim woman. As far as fame goes in the US, it doesn't fare equally either. Someone who can't sing but is very attractive, will become more famous than a rather average person who sings extremely well.

Also, Michele Bachmann said that she would make it so that Christians could pray in school. She said that Muslims were permitted to pray at school, but not Christians. THERE ARE OTHER RELIGIONS BESIDE CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM, thank you very much. And I also know that if a Muslim starting praying at the school I go to, they would be yelled at and cursed out.

As soon as someone makes it okay for religion and school to be interwoven, the US is going to decrease in a drastic matter.

Bachmann also stated that she wanted to do away with the federal education district. She said that school should be able to make their own rules, it should not be someone sitting in a desk far away who gets to do that.

Yes, voting is good, but that would affect me because where I live is primarily Christian and Republican. Most republicans are not for public education. A lot of Christians around here are not for science. There you go. The rest of my public education will be ruined.

Barack Obama for President!

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