Saturday, December 17, 2011


Christmas break started on Thursday for me, and yesterday I spent the day with my nieces and nephews. I always love spending time with them because it gives me hope in humanity. Today though, I started thinking about something.

My mother and I went to the store this morning to pick up a few things. The salvation army people were there, and there were posters about donating money to make Christmas great for people who need help. That made me think about Christmas.

Everyone loves Christmas as a young child, the joy about thinking about Santa and all the presents you will receive. The thing is though, even at that age, people are teaching children the wrong thing. Whenever I found out the Santa and the Easter Bunny were just mythical creatures, it caused me to question God, which still to this day, none of my questions have been answered. I have a younger cousin who is going through the same thing ever since she found out about Santa last year. Is Santa really the best way to teach children about giving?

Since Christmas is supposed to be about when baby Jesus was born, why was Santa Clause even made up at all? Shouldn't it be that maybe Jesus brings the presents? Why do we get presents on the day that baby Jesus was born? Shouldn't we do something that celebrates his image instead of indulging ourself on things that we probably won't even use after a month?

Christmas is being used as an excuse to get rid of selfishness. You are allowed to make a list of everything you want and not feel guilty about it. Then, we you do happen to feel guilty, you can donate to a cause that only campaigns around CHRISTMAS.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that there are people who are starving the entire year, not just at Christmas. I also think that there are homeless people, and people who are suffering the ENTIRE YEAR. Poverty happen 365 days a year, not just at Christmas time.

Also, for all American Christians who think that it's against Jesus to say "Happy Holidays," we live in the United States. This means that we have the freedom to ALL religions. That's what the United States is supposed to be about.

Jesus would not have said, "Merry Christmas," anyway. Jesus was Jewish, for that mean person who told me that Jesus was English, not Jewish, the other day at school. If a person is Christian, then they should be trying to follow Jesus. Let me assure you that Jesus would have indeed, said "Happy Holidays."

If you want to be a good person, don't just be a nice person at Christmas time. Be a nice person all the time.

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